Appalachian Trail
Day 1
September 12, 2010
Everyone was pretty surprised when I told them I was going to go hiking in the wilderness-lack of showers, pooping in the woods, strenuous exercise, sweating my buns off, quitting my job, Appalachian Trail (finally learned how to spell that properly). It made a lot more sense that I was going with my boyfriend Seth since he looks like “a mountain man,” “a caveman,” “a lumberjack,” “Jesus,” “Paul Bunyan,” to name a few. I’d never heard of the trail until I started dating him 1 year and 9 months ago. It had always been a dream of his to do the whole 2,100 some odd trail, but who has the money/time to be out of work for so long (5-6 months on average)? Apparently some people do including the first woman to do it with nothing but a homemade duffle bag. I’d lov to see the first woman to do it in stilettos. So yes, Seth’s dream and I’m in for the ride (wish it was one). I’ve always been really happy outside, and have never been really athletic. I tried to play tennis, ha I cheered for the Hornets in 7th grade for Courthouse, I did 30 days of the 90 in P90X, and I performed pathetically a few times a week for 4 months of Crossfit. That’s all I got unless you include the fact that I choose the stairs and lift voraciously lift a fork to my mouth. So Seth made me more outdoorsy especially in the hiking realm. We went hiking once at JMU (JMU beat VA Tech yesterday what-what!) for a night and about a month ago we did the 3 ridges hike. 3 ridges and the Mau-har trail were my first real hikes and are supposedly not hikes for beginners-although I wasn’t made aware of that at the time-thanks Seth. Everytime we took a corner, more uphill. I understand “uphill battle,” but not “things are going downhill because downhill greater than symbol uphill. Seth explained the real definition of “trail blazer” the person who actually paints the blazes on the trees after having created the trail and I told him the definition of “Maverick”- no not you John and Sarah “mama grizzlies” Palin. Awesome view and and fun waterfall/hole, especially when some innocent bystander and her dog almost saw Seth in his birthday suit. “Babe is that you?” he asked nervously. “Uh no, quick stop swimming and get your pants on!” That hike was only two days long and although I had a blast, I was over it and so ready for our reward of Taste of Thai in Harrisonburg, Va where JMU is. Crispy beef, jumbo sesame shrimp and pad thai-amazing. So anyways, we decided to do 3 weeks of the A.T.and we’ve been really excited –getting all of our gear together –expensive as whoa but a good investment plus we got everything from our works-he works for an outdoor company and I work for a big-time tactical equipment and operational solutions provider, so we got awesome discounts. Plus we’re also excited about life in general because we’ve been wanting to feel like we’re actually living (he did retail in VB and I did the cubicle thing in VB), and we wanted to get out of VB and live a little, so after this, we’re moving to New York, the Big Apple-that name dates back to horse betting, jazz, etc. Big, Big changes for us! Super Exciting! Furthermore, we feel it’s pretty appropriate that we’re starting something new in the fall. The year for us, having been institutionalized in the Public school system begins in August or September and ends in May or June, not January to December. So here we are at a new beginning and it’s September. Next on our list is working holiday in New Zealand, and I will definitely live in Spain again. So since I decided to quit my job as an International Business Developemnt Inside Account Manager for Central/South America and Canada (what a mouthful) I’ve gotten the best equipment-ha a taser, bear spray, grey goose, fine Italian deli meats, my Osprey pack matches my Asolo boots and my Black Diamond poles! All red (I’m half Spanish-one of the colors of the flag), black (I’m not black) and gray (already addressed this with the Grey Goose). I’ve also gotten some advice-a lot of advice about bears-I got laughed out of the room when grizzly bear sightings scared me (there are none) and U now know what to do with all bears. Honestly though, I’d probably just stare at the bear for a minute (I have delayed reactions), scream, and then shit my pantalones. I have bear spray even though people say it’s unnessacry and I brought a taser (got both spray and taser free from my job) I heard a horror story about men getting raped and hung from trees years ago from a now former coworkers old frat brother. The moral of the story is don’t go greek. Jk. I always did hate sorostitutes even though I’m wearing their uniform right now –Northface (again free).
Yesterday as my last day (excuse me let me rephrase that-My last day before going on the trail-My mom thinks that if I say last day period, the universe won’t understand), I had Yama Sutra-miso soup, salmon sashimi and spicy red clam or cram if you will with one of my favorite couple friends. We won’t see them for 2 years because they have joined the Peace Corps and are going to a county in Africa I’ve never heard of to teach Healthcare and small Business advice. The husband does not know French at all, and they’re living in mud huts, but I think it’s awesome! For dinner , my mom and dad made me steak, mashed potatoes, lumpia (I’m half Filipino), potato salad, shrimp, broccoli, manchego cheese, mmmm God Bless ‘em!
Seth came over and we weighed our bags, took stuff out, put stuff in. Heavy as shit, How was I going to walk up and down mountains with this preschooler on my back? I was not giving up the taser, the bear spray, my books-Walden, The Alchemist, and A Midsummer Nights Dream or this big notebook. I did have to leave the liquor. We got some really short sleep and at 6 something he and his parents came over to get me. Pretty damn tired. His parents met my dad and we were off. They are both really excited for us. His mom has done some of the trail. She told us to take some time and smell the roses (wished it smelled like roses-Seth just tooted in the tent and it smells like rotting butt-oh wait that was me haha) take the time to smell the roses and not to do it for the mileage. She told us to look around and appreciate it all because if we just did it for the mileage, we’d miss out on things and we’d miss the point. She said we’d feel we were one with the earth-like we belonged in nature and that we’d feel like closer to God here probably than any where else-to know that he made this earth, everything fits so perfectly together and we get to be a part of it too J. Thoughtful insight before going. She and my mother would definitely get along. We got to Mckeedees-hit the spot for breakfast and contemplated “fancy ketchup.” What the hell is so fancy about it? Speaking of fancy, Seth didn’t bring deo for his b.o. He told me we’d stink anyways and it would be extra weight. I put up a fight last night until he made mention of it attracting raccoons and mice. Can’t wait to smell him at his finest. We got to the drop-off site, met some people that knew one of Seth’s coworker’s “Bob, the old guy in the back,” said our goodbyes, took pics and we were off. “We were off” makes it sound like a race-eh not so much. With this huge pack weighing me down with 7 days worth of food between the 2 of us (mine was 36? Lbs) I was going pretty slow, drinking lots of water and taking lots of breaks-one to take care of womanly things-yeah you could have lived without knowing that but whatever, It was to be the most difficult day with the most weight on day 1. They say that if you can conquer the Priest, the rest of Central Virginia (what we’re covering) is much more manageable/easier. It was tough and sometimes I zoned out and kept trekking even though my bag really hurt my back and “hips.” Seth commented that if we kept at that pace, my trail name would be Pokey (deriving from the Latin word Slowpoke). I said that if he kept up the jokes, I’d call him Nopokey. He picked a name for himself-Horse Dong. Self proclaimed because no comment on that that one. We did almost 6 miles today (started at 1 PM gorgeous, cool fall day with a nice breeze) and altitudes of 4,060 ft. My new “what time is it?” was “what altitude are we at?” We saw a really pretty view and the Priest view- well we were the View because we’re the highest/ one of the highest parts. Nature is so gorgeous-looks like a painting. I’ll never stop being in awe when I see it’s beauty. So kind of challenging overall, but not as difficult as that hike we did a month ago. So if this was the most challenging, then it wasn’t that bad. Eating prosciutto at the Priest view was rewarding and now we’re about to eat an MRE at the shelter. Seth and I have been in our tent writing for a while. We got into a fight within 25 minutes of starting this thing haha. It was about countdowns and such, He told me we had 41 more switchbacks and 4.5 more hours to go. I hate stuff like that-unless I ask. I only like good countdowns like 1 more day of work. We found a camping spot pretty close to the shelter and set up. We’re so happy that at this very moment, we might (definitely) stink and be eating a meal with a 2000 year shelf life out of a plastic bag, but we’re free! More to come tomorrow-God willing-si Dios quiere.
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